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since you now have TWO pop up windows in addition to the banner ad, I fail to see where you need money from us

And the site runs for nothing? The banners and the pops are for financing the site. We don´t get any money for our pockets. And we don´t see any of it, the whole money goes to our hosting service. It isn´t cheap to run a site like this with the downloads included. Traffic is expensive, damm expensive. We all work for free on this site.

I'm sure you've done your homework on this camera guys, but are you sure this is the right camera for the job? Here's an excerpt from a review. Lukewarm... I'm really not sure who's the target market for this product (Japan?). It's a package of compromises, great build quality with some neat touches yet average image quality, fixed lens, lack of support for MP3 > 128 Kbit/s.. And I'm not sure what you're going to do with the 8 MB card that's bundled with the camera (apart from get just 2 MP3 tracks on it), most users will HAVE to purchase a 64 MB card on top.. Putting the price of an already expensive gadget right through the roof. It's a fun item and it's definitely got the gadget factor, I can imagine kids traveling to a party listening to music on the tube then using it to take party snaps when they get there... But I can't really picture another market for it. It really makes sense when you look at the technology, CPU, batteries, storage medium, portability - all things which both sides of the product share yet neither side excels... Overall grade......Average. In my personal experience with digital cameras the most important items are lens quality and zoom capability, macro or close-up distances, BATTERY LIFE, CCD image quality (Fuji uses somkind of wizardry to produce their mega pixel numbers) and flash power. All pointers are to Nikon, Sony, Canon or Olympus...all of whom produce top line products, some of which should be available in your price range. Even if you end up with an older model I think you'll be more happy with the results than with your first choice. Just some thoughts.......keep up the god work. Tim S

Look for an Olympus C-3000 Zoom. They have been superseded and they are going for really low prices. Here in England they retailed for £700. They are now on sale foe £360. It is very much like an SLR: exchangable lenses, full size lenses for better quaility, 3.1 megapixels, great versatility, lithium batteries, and excellent quality photos. The Fuji Fineprint 40i retails for £550 and is not well rated for picture quality, even though it is 4.1 megapixels.

Look for an Olympus C-3000 Zoom. They have been superseded and they are going for really low prices. Here in England they retailed for £700. They are now on sale foe £360. It is very much like an SLR: exchangable lenses, full size lenses for better quaility, 3.1 megapixels, great versatility, lithium batteries, and excellent quality photos. The Fuji Fineprint 40i retails for £550 and is not well rated for picture quality, even though it is 4.1 megapixels.

u guys are seriously out of your mind... go down to the local shop... and buy a 10 quid (that's like 20 us dollars) camera.... They work just as well.. my point... u don't need to buy some expensive shite.... just look for practicality (i.e. does it fulfil ur required needs).

Pff, that's damn cheap. Here in the Netherlands it sells for no les than $630. JeroenTulp

geez guys, you think they need it for some 'pro' work?