Visiontek Ti 200. $99!

People are so stupid. It's obvious that NO ONE CAN READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The card is for $149.99 and not $99.99. It's only $99.99 (IF!!) you send in the $50.00 rebate. Sheesh! At least post that. Sites these days don't even read the shit they post! Talk about sad...

Yeah, but after the rebate it is $99.99 and there is no reason why everyone who buys this card won't send in the rebate so final cost is $99.99. And yes people can read, the best buy ad says $99.99. My friends and I bought our cards last week so all we have to do is go in tomorrow with our receipts and get $50.00 back plus the rebate!

i work at bestbuy. we had 30 and we sold out within 20 minutes of the door opening. good luck getting the rebate. read the flyer. the rebate is only good for those who purchase it friday and saturday. sorry!!