VIA Games Console

'VIA is absolutely crap'??????? congratulations mr.donkey poo, what a well constructed argument. I have used VIA products for years and have always found them a decent alternative to Intels stuff. VIA have spent a lot of time building an innovative company up, and look set to continue these innovations, whether this idea bombs or not. They certainly dont need your childish comments. Good luck to them....

VIA is complete garbage, they are like the Chrysler of computers, sure it looks nice and all but....

i have a opinion! and it is your stupid hahahah. that is about as smart as your "opinion". Yes this good be a good mainstream console. guess they will run Delta Chrome S8 power?

well it is more powerfull than a GF3. And the least troubles for any chip set i have owned is the viakt133a. But my Intel perll is awesome too.

I think it plays PC games.. At a crappy TV res thats not very hard to do.. if it uses proper computer res it wont be able to do much..