Uttar's final editorial, and it's a good one.

I spaced logging in when I submitted this story, thought I'd post up and take credit for it. (BTW-An AMAZINGLY quick turn-around there on submission-to-posting El Coyote! I don't think it's been 10 minutes since I submitted the story! :eek: ) Uttar really out did himself on the article, I found it fascinating & provocative. (Some people over at nVidia probably ain't gonna feel QUITE the same way I do about it though... :lol: ) Again, great job Uttar! :D

lol just coincidence from my part :P

I like people who have those kind of coincidences happen, and they seem to happen a lot around you my friend. :) You're really doing a great job here, congratulations and kudos. :D

i liked the reference to Dilbert :D

do you really think nVidia would make a public statement titled "What is Wrong in our compagny"? NO! of course not. the only source possible is what employees tell and if you cant believe that, then it is still possible for you to disregard the article.

Yeah, it has. Uttar has got a well-deserved reputation in the community for honesty. :)

People only complain so much because others defend it so much. Maybe nvidia isnt the worst company in the world but it gets defended so aggressively by its fans that it provokes futher attack from everyone else. Also in this field, ie graphics cards, no other company is as bad (or at least known to be as bad) as nvidia. By the way this site doesnt deal with food issues so why would we complain about taco bell or mcdonalds ?? This site deals with computers and technology. In that field nvidia is king of sleaze at the moment.

I love how some always seem to think that they are the only 'cool' guys around and the rest are just nerds who only go out to get new computer stuffs. Also it's kinda amusing that you complain about the futility of bitching and moaning when you're bitching and moaning in every reply here.. :)

First off it has nothing to do with 'bragging rights', i own a business that depends on good quality computer parts (a cyber/gaming cafe). The FX and its drivers do not offer me what i need. Secondly, as far as i know no other company has been as deceptive and dishonest as nvidia, IN THIS FIELD. Thirdly, i live in the UK, we have no Taco Bells, so i really dont care what they are doing. You have a GF4ti ? cool they are good, the FX isnt, if you had one (like in fact i do) you might be a bit more understanding as to why some people hate nvidia so, especially if , like me, you also have a Radeon 9x00.

Well, I'm sure the warp2tacobell.net domain is still free, so if you are more worried about them then nVidia now is your perfect opportunity to show it. :D There's something pretty ironic about coming to a computer hardware site, and writing long rants asking why people care so much about computer hardware. If you don't care, why are you here? Fine, you aren't interested in nVidia's business practices, then don't read about them. But why slam those who do show an interest? Methinks you care about nVidia a little more than you are willing to let on... ;)

The games we play are varied, from HL 1 to Halo, not all are online games. Some people dont play games at all they just browse. The business is doing very well thank you. Remember im in the UK not the US, tastes are different. My business is only 2 years old so i wouldnt be using Win98 or even ME. All my machines are Athlon XP2000+ or higher (some intel some AMD) and all should be DX9 enabled by the end of the year. Why is the FX better than the GF4 ? The FX5200 isnt thats for sure. In the UK you can get A TI4200 for about £20 more than an FX5200. Sure the FX 5900 is faster but better ?? thats a matter of opinion. Nvidia not been deceptive? Replacing shaders, not being fully DX9 (some feature not enabled others reduced to DX8 level). Cheating benchmarks to make the cards look faster than they really are, screenshot detection (unproven but good evidence) encrypting drivers to hide it all more.. All deception. Dont say ATI are as bad because they are not. There is NO EVIDENCE that they have done anything like as much, only a few lame comments about overheating and monitor failure, which is unproven and unlikely.

Look at his email address....

Wow the things you people come up with amaze me. At any rate. No, I don't own stock in Nvidia, nor do I work for the company. In fact, generally speaking, the company doesn't even listen to me. But that doesn't mean they're horrible, now does it? It's just their business and I understand that completely. The amusing thing is that when it comes down to it, none of you understand how or under what conditions these business decisions are made. Uttar screamed a bunch of junk about how he knows insiders, and quite frankly, that doesn't go anywhere unless you can name that source and provide validation. There is none, so I don't believe it, just like any other rumor. Just as I explained to Uttar, the information he receives about early products could simply be some worker at an OEM (Asus, MSI, etc.) that happens to read over some early product information...OR...a friend of an Nvidia employee who happens to go out one night and drink. It happens. Citing references that disgruntled employees exist in every business, whom all say "the management sucks and they don't have their heads together", I can certainly disprove that this is a negative effect on the company and its business decisions as a whole. However, I am not claiming to be a business professional, for I have never been a manager somewhere, so I just don't know. I do know that I'm not going to spend all of my money, time, and effort into keeping a site up with my simple opinion, for if he wnated to do that, he could move the site to a geocities page or his personal internet page from his ISP. I wouldn't spend the $ on web hosting just to do that. With such the violence and sudden nature of the closing of the site, I would imagine that he's been looking for any excuse to jump away from it entirely, taking this rare opportunity to do so. Hey, whatever works. I wanted to clear up some matters first and look at the situation with rationality, something that many of the 12-16 year old children on these sites simply don't do because they do not, cannot, and will not understand for many more years, the reasons behind how professional business operates. Of course, anyone who has taken a 12th grade equivalent Economics class should understand that.

You want Uttar to name his sources? ROFLMAO!!! You really don't understand how this industry (or any industry) works do you? For any source working for a major company to reveal him or herself would be suicide, you think companies would happily let their employees divulge confidential information about them?

I dont really care how or who made these decisions, i just want to know what the end result is, thats the bottom line for me. The result happens to be a sucky, cheating, overpriced product. Thats the end of the story for me, and for many others. If you cant see that your just plain dumb. Its what people have been saying for months. If i thought nvidia was truely the route of all evil i wouldnt have an nforce 2 mobo. However to say nvidia had to cheat because the FX was poor is lame. Turning off trilinier filtering is unacceptable, cheating in 3DMark (as much as they did) is unacceptable, and i dispute that 'everyone' would do the same thing. Dont judge everyone by your (or nvidias) standards.