USB Mouserate Switcher (BETA 0.3)

hi, ok i tried this and it seems to make no difference (if the mouse raqte checker is to be believed. There must be someone who knows which is better ps2 or usb.

you went into safe mode ?

I'm running WinXP SP1, just changed it to 250Hz, and it works so the statement: "Only for Windows XP SP2 " is wrong. Mouse Rate Checker happily reports 250Hz. I'm yet to be convinced there is a difference between the default 125Hz and let's say 500Hz.

Yeah they have conflicting info, look what it says for updates: "# "usbport.sys" version independence (should now work with any version of Windows 2k/XP)"

oops it was actually the person that posted to Warp2search that made the mistake of adding that. On their site they removed the warning.

Seriously, I can't feel a difference between 125 and 500Hz. Using a Logitech MX510 and a Everglide Ricochet mousepad.

there is no chance to measure it ... its just there ...

It doesnt exactly clip them, you just cant see each one. Go set your mouse rate to 75hz and your monitor to 75hz refresh, I BET you will notice a bit of mouse lag. The more data points the better, even if the output cannot keep up (it will be "smoother"). Well I guess it gets pointless after a while.. :)

of course

Safe mode too install?

what mouse you use ? I have read that MS software got Hz lock ?

does this start again , huh ? if you haven't got a clue just shut up ... it the max delay for user input ... this has NOTHING to do with you fu**in monitor ... you can turn it off and its still there right from the point you move the mouse there is a max delay of 8ms till computer realises there is some mouse movement ... and this thing helps to make this delay to be max 2ms nothing else nothing to do with refresh rates or FPS ... not even with your eyes ... hell you can be blind and this still works

what the hell do you want to see ??????? its a matter of response time not of lagging mouse cursor and again ... it has NOTHING TO do with refresh rates !!! its all about response time

Heh, I forgot I applied this patch, tried to copy some files from my memory stick. Couldn't copy anything, windows froze and I had to format the memory stick. Greeeat.

Really, why anyone would install this is a mystery to me. FFS, it's place of birth is TCMag, which should be warning enough to all and sundry that it's either (a) going to such, (b) going to screw up your system or (c) a combination of both. This is the site, after all, that has taken over the shitty NGO graphics drivers, which were and still are shitty in the extreme. This is also the site that released a tweaker for HL2 that, because it wasn't properly tested, was shown to only actually work on a specific WAREZ version of the game. Couldn't install on anything else. And their new media player, shich I admit still in beta, should not have been released yet at all. Please, do NOT trust anything that this bunch of spunkstains release under their own moniker.