Unreal 2 Test Maps Released

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====================================================================== Unreal II Test Maps (released on: www.unreal2.com) ====================================================================== Please Note that these maps are provided as is, we do not provide official support of any kind relating to the test maps or these files. Please use at your own risk. Also pay attention to the games EULA for your protection. ====================================================================== It is great to see you have taken an interest in modifying and expanding Unreal II. We hope that these files help you to create whatever you can dream up. If you seek help from other users who are experienced with modifying this game please visit www.unreal2.com and click on Community. You will find two forums that will be of great help to get started and solve any problems you might encounter. Good Luck, Kyle "Pezman" Peschel and the entire Legend Entertainment Team ====================================================================== Installation Instructions ====================================================================== 1) Install to your Unreal II Maps Folder by default that is C:UNREAL2Maps 2) Double click on any map to launch in Unreal II If you have problems you can always launch the old fashion way Open a command prompt (Start >> RUN) and type: C:Unreal2SystemUnreal2.exe ====================================================================== Map Explanations ====================================================================== DM-M09f.zip A version of the single-player "Defend the roof of the Janus facility from Liandri attackers" map, optimized for botmatch. 01kCube.un2 The "cube" levels come in varying sizes, with and without AI paths 02kCube.un2 22k 02kCubePathed.un2 26k 04kCube.un2 8k 04kCubePathed.un2 52k 04kCubePathedFar.un2 29k 016kCubePathed.un2 102k 016kCubePathedH.un2 102k TestAim.un2 Level with a scripted NPC set up to remain stationary and fire weapons at targets TestAim2.un2 Level with a scripted NPC set up to remain stationary and fire weapons at targets TestCover.un2 Level for NPC's to show off their "duck behind cover" AI TestCrouch.un2 Used to test AI navigation while crouching (NPC's that cannot crouch will go the long way) TestDifficulty.un2 TestDirectMusicIntro.un2 458k Shows off DirectMusic-triggered events TestLevelChange.un2 There is a trigger in TestLevelChange that results in changing levels to TestLevelChangeOther. Your inventory will travel across this level change. TestLevelChangeOther.un2 There is a trigger in TestLevelChangeOther that results in changing levels to TestLevelChange. Your inventory will NOT travel across this level change. TestLifespanLimitor.un2 Used to test the particle lifespan limiter force TestLift.un2 Used to test lifts (elevators) TestMissionObjectives.un2 TestParticleRepulsion.un2 Used to test the particle repulsion force TestProne.un2 Used to test AI navigation while prone (NPC's that cannot go prone will go the long way) TestStress.un2 Test level with PawnFactories and SpawnPoints set up to have Mercs vs. Marines continuously TestTriggerVolume1.un2 TestTriggerVolume2.un2 TestU2.un2 Level for testing mantling, script regressions, etc. Contains working ladders, water volumes, lifts, carcasses, etc. TestWeapons.un2 Weapon test level -- contains all weapons along with NPC's, various surfaces to shoot at ======================================================================