Unofficial Statement Regarding Removal Of DirectX 9.0a *Updated*

As posted by one of the ATI Catalyst programmers on the rage3d forums: "IT IS A LIE THAT DX9.0a WAS PULLED DUE TO A CATALYST INCOMPATABILITY. WE HAVE CONTACTED MICROSOFT DIRECTLY AND THEY DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ANY INCOMPATIBILITY. WARP2SEARCH IS REPORTING RUMORS. PLEASE DO NOT BELIEVE IT. thanks guys, for everyone that knows me on the forums knows that if it was true I would be the first to come on here and let people know to not use DX9.0a and CAT's 3.1" Come on guys, I love W2S, but spreading stuff like this just hurts your rep as a news source.

We got the information from a reliable source, but maybe the source is wrong. Happeneds. Sorry folks