Tribes: Vengeance 1.1 Update - Cancelled

I would advise anyone considering buying any Vinendi Universal games to not do so unless you want to get ripped off and the game you've bought never supported by the company. Their company has a history of bad business practices just look on the Better Business Bureau. If you thought about buying the new SWAT 4 I would STAY clear of that game. It uses the same modified Unreal engine as Tribes Vengeance and the same team that made Tribes Vengeance. Expect there to be 1 patch after release and then no support from then on. Already the demo is full of cheats and hacks and since there is no cheat protection it's as simple as editing your INI files. They claim there will be cheat protection in the full release but so was that promissed in Tribes Vengeance. I wouldn't be surprised all the aimbots and hacks from Tribes V and Unreal series gets carried over considering how easy it was... BUYER BEWARE!!! TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS Don't support shitty publishers/gaming companies especially foreign ones that don't give 2 cents about their paying customers...

Man I would be pissed if I bought that game...

Oh btw this is the patch that was supposed to be finished in Dec 2004. It was then delayed with no offical message till about 3-4 days ago there was a semi-offical post saying the patch was back in development. Then today they offically said they are cancelling it. What was their excuse for the orginal patch delay? They say the patch was already done and ready to be released in December but that two 3rd parties were having a dispute and they couldn't release it then. So either they are bitches and not going to release that or probably what really happened is that it was never even made and that "the patch" was just a ploy to get more people to buy the game in hopes of bug fixes. I guess punkbuster will have to remove their Tribes Vengeance forum yet again since it looks like this patch that adds punkbuster will never happen. I hope they have to eat a big money check to Punkbuster. Scumbag french all the way VUGames...

Man I need an edit button... BTW anyone that bought Tribes Vengeance within the last 90 days you can return to VUGames for a 100% refund of your money. But most likely it's been over 90 days for most people including myself. No doubt one of the ploys of VUGames to wait out the 90 days after sales drop so most people can't return their game once they annoced the cancellation. Though I didn't pay full price I still feel cheated. Scumbags till the end VUGames...

Thank god that they dumbed and slowed down the final version so bad that I didnt buy it. I was beginning to wonder if they balanced it now and might have bought it, but now... lol.

I loved Tribes:Vengeance, but I only played it for it's single-player game. The single-player game was excellent and I thought pretty damned bug free. I can see people getting honked though since Tribes is 'sposed to mainly be about the online game, and you ain't never gonna hear me say nothing nice about Vivendi. I still think Tribes:V was the game of the year for last year, I liked it's single-player that much.