Tim Sweeney on Unreal Engine 3

Ya YA YA All That and a Bag of Chips. Will the unreal engine 3 Be able to render some trees. When was the last time u saw any good looking trees in any unreal game. I think the unreal crew need to get some tips from the Guys @ Speedtree.

It's similar to what ID have done for years, create a product to specifically show off the engine. However, at least Epic they've gone some way to creating an actual game on top of the engine.

Actually theres no plans for making UT on unreal engine 3 so far. And you could just as well say that the Doom3 engine is wasted on Doom3 as that game will suck. or that Quake3 is a waste of Quake engine 3. if you dont like the game dont play it.. simple as that. and if they wanna do UT on UE3 then let them - why should it bother you since you wont play it anyways?... there will be plenty of other games on that engine.