The NV35 Doom3 Advantage

Easy, his lips move... :lol: That sounded like nVidia bloody interviewing nVidia there. :( I guess we can add HotHardware to the list of sites that nVidia has extended their influence over along with [t]ardOCP, Tom's, and Anand. :( On the brightside, just think about how much easier life will be once nVidia controls all the major hardware media outlets! Why, you'll only have to go to one of 'em to keep up to date! :(

am i the only person that sees the problem in utilising a benchmark, that's clearly optimised to one specific vendor of gfx boards? it would be like you scramble an egg on a) a frying pan and b) the stove itself, and then compared the results... plain stupid. i wouldnt call that objective or 'fair' nomatter what architecture it was optimised for...

but lets see what happens once this sp game gets out of mr. carmack's nVidia green test labs :P

im not talking about scores to add to my sig.. i dont do that, i couldnt care less. But i DO care about thosepeople that will be misguided because of benchmarks on testsites and the misleading figures presented to OEM partners. people that doesnt know the fact that doom3 is heavily optimised to one specific platform, and that the performance difference wont have any thing to do with reallife performance in other games or even games using the same engine, wont be presented with objective testresults if D3 gets assimilated into the standard benchmark packages. just look how different Jedi Knight 2 benches compared to the original quake3 engine.

i wouldn buy gfx based on doom, its just a SP game with short gameplay time, i wouldnt buy doom3 at all, because i dont play those kinds of games... strikes me as a bit lame and a waste of my time :P