The latest VIA Hyperion 4in1 Drivers

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I wonder if this will assist users that have the KT600 chipset to be able to utilize AGP 8x? I know I have a Radeon 9800 Pro on a Soyo SY-KT600 motherboard, and can only use AGP 4x. I've heard this from many newsgroups and forums that although the boards have AGP 8x, it does not work properly.
latest BIOS is already in. I ran into this problem right away when I installed a FX 5900, and the same thing occured with a 9800 Pro. Apparently, its a driver/Via Chipset issue not being able to use AGP8x. There's quite a few forum posts on this around the intraweb.
Well, new 4in1's are installed, and I can finally use AGP8x on my Soyo SY-KT600 without any lock ups. Drivers are tight and work like a charm. Finally having the ability to utilize AGP8x is worth the download of these.