The Catalyst Control Center Review

This is going to be a part of Cat. 4.9 drivers so eventually you will have it on your system. ;]

Don't you guys read anything? You can still use the "old" Control Panel. They're not replacing that.

what is the point then? to complain as much as possible? now theres 2 alternatives to use. use whatever you like best.

you'll go back to nvidia over optional software? seems a bit rash if you ask me.

by your noobish statements it sounds like you're exaggerating. tray process uses 10mb here

yup 2x CLI.EXE = 10mb when the panel is running and about 20mb for the 30 preview. not as bad as you'd have it seem, as several windows services use more memory.

So what is the point? If you don't want to use this then you don't have to use it. The regular control panel is still there. It's not like they're updating the old control panel any more & you MUST install the new Control Center from now on. Arguing over ATi forcing you to install this & .Net from now on is asinine. They're doing no such thing & it ought to benefit newbies who will now get to see what changing certain options actually does.