The 3D Browser by NTT

Interesting concept, although I question the comment of the surfing experience being more "natural". Natural is more of a state of mind in this matter, what we have been using over the past 10 years now has become natural, this looks completly alien to me.

There has been previous attemts at doing a 3D browser for various task, web browsing or displaying the icons of windows. None of them was really successful. Basically, it's just harder navigating 3D without any benefits. I think it's like the previous poster said... what we currently have is as natural as it's gonna get because we'r used to it. When we have some form of real 3D interface to our computers, and by "real" I mean with depth perception... then this might be something worth looking into but not now.

hmmm this doesn't any useful for me the only things that really improve you web experience are TABS and you overall windows experience including browsing with mouse geustures ... which speed up web browsing very very much (at least for me)

Hmmm, I'm not impressed, seems to me that one should have a 142 inch screen in 16000 x 12000 to get an overview ...