Switching Camps!

Not sure about the RAMDAC thing, it does the same for everyone - I've just bought an 8500 myself and it shows the DAC as 350MHZ. The Radeon 8500 definitely has a 400MHz DAC though.

Why do you call your system a rig, it's just a Computer system (A Normal PC). Well in my opionion A rig is having your own server sized PC in your room taking up a huge rack unit. with over $5000 Dollars Worth of equipment on it. well at least my System is better.

Why do you call your system a rig, it's just a Computer system (A Normal PC). Well in my opionion A rig is having your own server sized PC in your room taking up a huge rack unit. with over $5000 Dollars Worth of equipment on it. well at least my System is better.

Do you really want to get technical about what exactly a rig is? rig (rg) tr.v. rigged, rig·ging, rigs To provide with a harness or equipment; fit out. Nautical. To equip (a ship) with sails, shrouds, and yards. To fit (sails or shrouds, for example) to masts and yards. Informal. To dress, clothe, or adorn: The costumer rigged out the actors in peasant clothing. To make or construct in haste or in a makeshift manner: rig up a tent for the night. To manipulate dishonestly for personal gain: rig a prizefight; rig stock prices. n. Nautical. The arrangement of masts, spars, and sails on a sailing vessel. Special equipment or gear used for a particular purpose. A truck or tractor. A tractor-trailer. A vehicle with one or more horses harnessed to it. The special apparatus used for drilling oil wells. Western U.S. See saddle. Informal. A costume or an outfit: wore an outlandish rig to the office. Fishing tackle. [Definition courtesy of Dictionary.com] I don't see one mention of a computer here, and if there were, it would be most closely related to "Special equipment or gear used for a particular purpose. " In my opinion, a rig is a supercomputer with three hundred IBM processors and 2 terabytes of RAM. At least my dream rig is better :p

lol, that's a Value saver Rig for the cost effective citizen. What Are you on a Budget, HAHA. here is my PC Bui;lt from 100% all retail Parts Specs: Antec SX 1240 Pentium 4 1.900 ghz 2x 256MB Samsung RDRAM Registered ECC Intel D850MD Mobo TDK VeloCD 24x Burner Plextor UltraWide SCSI 40x CDRom Adaptec AHA-39160 Ultra 160 SCSI Card Asus 8200 Geforce 3 Deluxe 2x 40GB Seagate Barracuda ATA IV ST340016A Promise TX2/LP Ultra ATA Controller Soundblaster Audigy Platinum Thermo-Take Volcano CPU cooler 6 System Cooling Fans with many more upgrades. Windows XP Professional

wow. so you probbably get 10 more frames per second in quake 3, have an annoyingly loud fan setup, and spent about $1500 more than he did just for that. Why do people feel the need to brag about their damn computers like anyone gives a shit? If anything, you're the stupid one for spending so much damn money on a computer that, in reality, is only a couple milliseconds faster in everyday tasks and maybe 10 fps faster in games. RDRAM is a joke, the pentium 4 is SLOW compared to the athlon xp 1800+ and unless you're running a mission critical server, scsi is overrated. also, the oh, and antec cases are shit too :) regardless, my desktop looks better than yours, my os is probbably more responsive than yours, and i'm perfectly happy playing games in 800x600 and getting 130 fps in almost anything. oh, and my case probbably looks better than yours too, that is unless you took your shitty antec and painted it with automobile grade paint with a UV responsive coat on the inside, then lined it with blacklights and coated all 6 of your fans with uv responsive paint so they glow...

lol, yeah really. that was pretty messed. real assholish. did your daddy by all that shit for u? most ppl aren't drownding in $, so they do what they can with what they have and many of the time end up with a really solid system. lol, and still have cash left to go pick up some shrimp and steak ; ). So chill out man

It depends if you bought the OEM or retail version. Sounds retarded but OEM is less

LoL i love to watch your cpu start frying when you pull off the heatsink and fan, unlike p4 which just clocks down to prevent it from sizzling.

LOL actually the system above only cost me $1987 plus shipping and insurance so about $2030, bought it back in august, bought all the parts Retail! and had to build it myself. Still faster than athlon xp, Athlon are the Saturns of computers, they look nice and are durable but they are Plastic(Made very cheaply from cheap materials) while Pentium are the cadillacs of PC's Steel/Metal BABY!!! P4 socket 478 size of a quarter.

also antec cases are very sound proof and sinse i have the Case sitting on a enclosed Wall Unit it's even more quiet. damn case was so tall it couldn't fit under my desk nor any room above.

Yeah because we all know how much fun pulling off Heatsinks are????? If you have half a brain you'll stick the heatsink on properly the first time and it wont matter that you don't have a slow p4 with some over-hyped heat protection in it.

Does it really matter how durable a CPU is? Unless you're completely uncordinated I guess, but I've never damaged an Athlon. Dunno about you but I'd rather have better performance at less cost, than pay more just for a cpu I can bash.

Yea if P4s are the cadillac, only in price, then the Athlons would be the Mercedes compared to it. And only a friggin 12 year old newbie would actually say that Pentiums are faster then Athlons LOLOL... Must not see the hundreds of benchmarks where those there cheapo Athlons are just SMOKIN' those oh so good highly overpriced Pentiums... SOme people just shouldnt be born lolol...