Security: 64% of Home Computers Infected with Spyware!

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yes it must be around 90% but if you always have some kind of malware on ya PC you are doing something worng ... I have no kind of realtime protection no firewall or anything and my scan are always flase positive ... except a cookie from time to time when I must use IE ...
I got a few spywares when I was still using those programs like e-donkey or kazaa. and those spyware stuff only came with the installation programs. with ie, I had about 50 tracking cookies per week. but now since I use firefox and dont download any crap like codec packs, kazaa, "free" screensavers etc etc, I never had a spyware entry in my registry again. and thanks to spyblaster and firefox only a few minor tracking cookies.
Probably 100% if they included cookies (They don't seem to have?)
Your point is retarted, and your stats are clearly wrong. Virii come mostly from downloads, neither browser scans downloads automatically. Spyware on the other hand, can come through activex/security holes, so IE would be more susceptable to that. But chances are, the mozilla user is more experienced than the average user, and would have anti virus/anti spyware programs already installed. If you want to get people to use mozilla, dont call IE users stupid. Just point out the facts, dont make some bullshit stats up.
yes if you consider "data miner" cookies spyware. Everyone has them.. well maybe there are some people that disable cookies for some reason.