QuickTime Alternative 1.34 Final - Real Alternative 1.24 Final

Much better off to use the real thing, this "alternative" crashes way too much.

I have used this now for quite some time, never had any problems with stability or any other issue. Who ever created both these should have a huge thank you as the "real" programs are horrid.

Well these are out K-Lite Codecpack 2.30 Beta 2 K-Lite Codec Pack Full 2.30 beta 2 K-Lite Codec Pack Standard 2.30 Beta 2 K-Lite Codec Pack 2.30 Basic Beta 2

Yea.. I have used this for ages, and never had a crash. It is te REAL program. The guy who creates them extract the codec from the player and there you have it. I hate Realplayer and Quicktime Player, they install soooooo much crap on the computer.

Well I will try it again, I really hate real player, quicktime doesn't bother me that much though as long as I stop it from running in the background hogging resources.