Quake III Source Code Released

What about all those games based on the quake3 engine, are they in jeopardy now? nobody gives a damn about quake3 anymore but there are some really good games that are out based on the quake3 engine.

if you just look at games released for PS and other sonsoles you will see that even the old Q3 engine is capable of handling these effects and it is now free and if you look at the not-so-high-priced games you will see that there are some that are very very ugly but still spend a lot of money developing or buying such engines ... and now comes a free engine for everybody ... thats welcome even if it is not up to date ... graphics plays a big role in games but its not all

Oh I certainly can't wait until quake4 comes out, no question about that, it seems it will be more like quake2 was, Q2 was far superior in regards to depth and weapon balance than quake3 could ever hope to be, quake3 was a cartoon with super duper weapons that were unbalanced, it was too easy and not any fun, I could own all day long with the SS and plasma since they were so overpowered, the graphics were great but they were just too much, developers should have put more concentration on weapon balance and depth. My only concern was about releasing the source and if it put other games in jeopardy to hackers, CoD is a great game based on the quake3 engine, wouldn't it make it very easy for someone to hack that game if they had the source code?

I certainly agree with something being free, I was only curious as to whether or not this "opened up" quake3 based games to hackers now that the source code is released, some of the best games out are based on the quake3 engine.

what should be the improvement for hackers ? and what do u mean by "hackers" you mean cheater right ? and cheaters will always cheat and are not worth to think about ... they will always find a way ... source or not