Quake 4 Screenshots

These are the same screenshots that were in PC Gamer magazine a couple of months ago

Oh dear, using forums as news sources again.

And that forum thread has become an idiot festival. Even saw one really bright boy say they should use Source for Quake 4 instead of the Doom engine. Hello? Id=Doom Id=Quake Quake and Source does not compute. Carmack would probably rather spit on the Source game engine than consider using it for Quake. Source is D3D, Doom is OpenGL. Someone go in there and punch those idiots in the nuts for me, please? And then send them back to school.

Who cares.. source enging would probably look and run better than that pile of crap.

To be perfectly honest I don't see how anyone can say that. Doom 3 is far better engine than Half-Life 2. Half-Life 2 is a "brighter" game, but that's hardly an engine problem. Half-Life 2 suffers from bland "open" environments & uncomplicated geometry. Half-Life 2 does a decent job of trying to hide it's dated appearing graphics (& don't give me any crap about the gimmick of facial expressions :)!). Besides, Raven have used iD for their past several games, why change to something else? Anyway, if they use Source they'd probably get audio stuttering problems ;) Never heard anyone get that with Doom 3 :)

Same here, no problems at all running Doom3 on mine. Great sound and video, no problems at all. Little Tommy was probably having problems with a warez version he downloaded so now he thinks its crap. I'd ignore him, he'll be back in school next week.