Prince of Piracy Convicted in Los Angeles

What is so lame about this is who would pay to watch crappy camcorded movies?? With home theater and hi-def why would you?? I mean pirated movies look and sound like crap he should be put in jail for that!!!lol

Have to agree with that, I can't understand how anyone can actually watch a pirated film that was captured in a cinema with someones handheld. I can understand buying a copied DVD, but what kind of person can enjoy a film under with such bad quality.

If you see a good cam using a DV tape its really nice. They often get the sound from another source as well, because camera mics are usually horrible. Remember that a lot of these are actuallly pro jobs. The theatre owner will let them set up a proper tripod and whatever they need. I've heard a lot come from asia.

sometimes its not about watching and enjoying. with the ever rising prices of movies (not to mention the price of snacks in theaters), some people download the movie, watch a few minutes of it, or maybe a half hour, and see if its actually worth paying out the high prices of theaters. taking a date to a movie used to a relatively cheap outting. most movies they put out are complete crap, and all the good scenes are shown in the commercials, and its frustrating when you go see say.. 5 movies in a short period of time, and only 1 of them turns out to be half way decent. $8.50 x 5 = $42 add in concession stand prices for 5 trips can run up to $85 by itself.. $42+$85= $130...Too much to see 4 out of 5 lemons. heck even if they all where good.. thats too high imo its just a good way to weed out the "Soul Planes" of the movies. i'm not saying its right. but its not right to get ripped off time and time again either. dont look at me though, i'm on dial up.

The appeal is more when the movie gets on the net days or weeks before it hits theaters...