Only For A Very Short Time !

Its ok...seems abit squashed. i like it the way it is. looks good thou. make it a bit wider if u do stick with it. :) *clap clap* Keep up the good work!

There's nothing wrong at all with the format right now... and I like this current one better than the new one... sry, but that's how i feel

I like the current one as well. I use 1600x1200 and that new design is just a horrible waste of space.

the old one is clearer and easier to read

I aggre with the rest ... it looks good . but its like the old one but just smaller maby you shud go for a New Collor design ?

i think the new site design is vey nice, but i have to agree with the others in the fact that it is "squashed" in high res (i run 1280 * 1024). Other than that its nice Keep up the good work

I really hope this is a JOKE! That design is a ripoff! Find your own design instead of stealing others!

yeppers, a little too squashed..although it is nice and organized...just make the news area wider to take advantage of the space...most people are running at least 1024...

looks like shit with opera 6.0, totally messed up :(

The scrollbar needs some work :)

If the new design is coming, please fix so its Opera viewable because all the tables are all over tyhe place

Why do you ASSume he is ripping off someone else´s design. He may have never seen it. Just because it may be similar doesn't mean he is stealing the design. If everyone applied your logic to books we wouldn´t have any now would we.