Official Unreal Tournament 2003 Demo *Updated*

It's gonna be soon, I can feel it!

As of 9:37 PM EST most of the sites are hammered and still no demo!

downloading from gamespot now!!! 1hr 4 mins

!@#! you MrGerbik

I was just in the game and almost soiled myself!

this game is a pos....i mean really....the graphics arent shit and the game is...well been there done that....i was hoping it would be better than that dont waste your time this game is all hype and not happening.... what a piece of crap.... oh yes..and about the announcer telling you when the game has five minutes left he sounds like a fairy ass faggot to me....they did not put any thought at all into this monstrous load of a game... anyone who buys this game is a straight up rookie...

I'm happy with it, but they can't please everyone I guess. They thought about another Deer Hunter or Reel Fishin' crossover with WWE and NASCAR tied in, but except for you they figured the white trash crybaby market is tapped out for a little while. Dem - oh. Look it up. Compare this to the screenshots and movies. Notice anything missing mister been there, done that, no clue? You haven't seen the game. I'm glad you won't bother to see the final product. That way the UT community won't have to tolerate your lameness.

I agree to some extent. This demo is not meeting my expectations (yes, as a demo). I suppose I should have looked more at the screenshots released and realized that this would look like an FPS version of Rollcage. Not very fond with how the game looks stylistically. A bit too cute for my taste (I guess Warcraft 3 is another possible comparison) in shooters. Furthermore, it does not have the feel that the original UT demo (and final game) did. The tightness is gone and this is a shame. It is interesting that so many games are increasing the tightness more and more (RtCW and SOF2 for example) while this one seems to go in the opposite direction. The maps in the demo failed to please as well. No real ingenuity spotted there either. It feels like someone spent too much time riding the old glory and simply upping the graphics to what contemporary hardware allows. No real progress though and the demo, in my opinion, shows some real weaknesses when compared to its predecessor. No doubt I will get the final game, but I was really expecting a bit more in the feel department. PS. Even the looks department was not too glamorous. Nothing that I cannot imgaine the Q3 Engine doing with some minor tuning. the demo and judge for know you wanna..and JOO gonna! ;)

again.....dont take it personal if you really like the game im just saying this looks like a makeshift project rather than a finished game.....the movement and replay ability lacks depth and design.....imo i really think the old ut is still the best and im sure glad i did waste my time downloading the demo so i wont waste my money on the game.....and i had the leaked demo and there is not much difference to me...they both suck and epic should be ashamed of themselves for releasing this beta, i can easily "sugar-coat" my opinion but i would rather give it too you straight...ill give you this the graphics are "somewhat" better then the "old" ut but not by much....and im sure that this game will sell a lot of copies based on "UT" loyalists but if you are a "real" fan of this game youll be smart enough to see thru the hype and comprehend the real truth here: "just getting paid off the merits of sequels" and thats the real.....of unreal...... my advice"if you want a good shooter and you are new to dm get the original UT youll be happy you did...... peace

well if i did all that trik...better not give your mom a kiss goodnite cause she is my boyfriend and when i shot my load in her face it spelled out" ut2k3 sucks cat nuts dumbass trik