NVIDIA's SLI Shortchanges Gamers?

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Wait so is SLI the only way to go? If you wanted to play an unsuported game you would only be using one videocard? That makes no sense, surely theres another slower way where one card just renders half the screen and the other the other half.. That shouldnt require any support by the game?
Thats how the old 3DFX Voodoo cards did SLI... each card rendered every other line on screen. Worked like a charm back then. SLI for the Voodoo cards stood for "Scanline Interleave", not the "Scalable Link Interface" it does today.
Actually, according to Maximum PC and CPU, that's not true. They need to write profiles to MAXIMIZE the performance, but you already get a considerable (30-70%) gain with the first rev drivers depending upon how GPU-intensive the game is.