Nvidia Playing the 3DMark Game?

I also noticed that Quake3 was darker. But that could be due to these drivers being: GL_VERSION: 1.4.0 Weren't previous drivers 1.2.3 or something? Or 1.3.1?


Well, shortly said, yes they're doing! I still have an GF2 GTS, and the drivers worked without a problem. I run 3dmark2001 and had a small performance boost. The whole graphics seem to be more detailed. The LOD-Bias has changed. So the graphics looked a bit better in 3d2001. But the first game brought me down : the mipmapfilter! suppose colin mcrea rally 2 or need for speed porsche. the car is filtered, the road around the car too, but 5 meters in front of the car, there is no mipmapfilter anymore, only texturesquares, pixels... if that's the way too boost performance by killing the normal mipmapfilter and rising the LOD, I know why I change next month to ATI.

Oh yeah, that's right. I saw it. But why should a modern graphics adapter work without any mipmapping in the standard settings? We're talking about high end graphic cards and not of an old Matrox Mystique 220. And did you try Crytek x-isle tech demo? the bumpmapping did look very funny (really colorful) on my gf2 gts. I had some kind of techno-dinosaurs.