Nvidia Detonators 27.00 & 27.10 COMPARED!!

Sounds like someone is just pissed that he paid to much for his new puter.

AMD is way cheaper. faster. and I have not had any of those problems with my amd cpu. none. whatsoever. My parents new computer has no problems with the XP 1800. none. at all. both running windows xp too. all games work fine. i've never had ap roblem. at all.

A lot of friends of me have Systems with AMD processors and they have a lot of trouble with their machines (most Fujitsu-PCs), some of them want to change to Intel systems. Did you have built your PC by yourself?


Sounds like someone have many problems with P4 users

For sure and because of that it rocks 100% solid. AMD RULEZ BUT FORGET ABOUT F****N VIA CRAP. These chipsets give AMD the bad reputation. Buy NVIDIA or SIS Mainboards. They are a bit slowlier but more stable.


Thanks for this mainboard tips.

What's this ? An AMD-Looser who can't find any real reasons against P4 systems? Well, it is not easy to talk with somebody in a right way. But look at the next answers. There you can see, that AMD and Intel users can talk together. You not, of course.

I have 3 AMD systems now and one intel. I have never had any problems with drivers. I try most all of them, poeple complain and I just dont have the problems. I have a Iwill and 3 abits now. I have had 3 Asus boards but will not go back to them again. I picked up 150 points on 3dmard 2001 on the Iwill KK266 board with 512megs PC133 Crucial CAS2 mem and a Leadtek G3. A friend of mine picked up 200 points on his ASUS DDR board with the Leadtek G3. Both of us using the 27.10 drivers. BTW the Abit KR7A-RAID rocks

AMD oVVnz Intel anyday of the week ROFL.. you noobs will learn that someday

What a dork. After a staement like that, how could anyone take his advice seriously.

up yours ***** , u think becasue a few peoples computer get problems that every1z does u piece of cheap lame INTEL shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats wat u are ur SHIT!!! and for PRICE they are more expensive and if few people have problems dont think that all AMDs have problems theyre probably the very few, i have a Thunderbird 1ghz with 256ram and a GeForce3 and ***** i never got any errors, i got a 200point increas and everythin runs good :):)

hmm...if Intel is do good...why whole AMD is still growing? AMD pay much...Hmmm let's look some price: Intel Pentium IV 2000MHz = 506.00 € Amd Athlon XP 2000+ = 408.00 € well if i see right that wont look that way Intel is cheaper...or is it,you tell me? and drivers...Why use M$ winblow..use Linux! -- mosse

This new driver is stabile as a Rock and it made my 3dmark2001 score up at 7858 AMD 1800+ ASUS A7M 512 pc2400 Crucial DDR ASUS Gforce 3 230/540 os XP pro Via 4.37 And with the other driveres i couldn`t do 3dmark it crashed. Ghost recon crashed now its perfect. Nothing DK

Roger That!

Well well well, here we got another lame Intel supporter! I must say we South Africans have to deal with the same shit everyday. People being seriously misinformed about the truth. Yes, the truth! I know SA is not doing very well at the moment, with the Rand being as it is, and a rather lame government... but the PC sales and distribution here has always been extremely good. And it's a tradegy that AMD has to prove it's superiority everyday, while Intel can sit back and let it's monopoly chew away like a cheap rabbit. Myself and all the dealers here have all done extensive research to ensure we sell the right goods to out customers. Sure, they all ask for Pentium 4 in the beginning... but after we show them a live comparison between the two, based on benchmarks and stability tests, and then some lovely Tom's Hardware articals, they want an AMD straight away. Oh boy, then you should see the smile and their faces when they see the dramatic price difference between the two. Ownage boys and girls! I may sound like an all-out AMD promoter, but that's the way it is. The proof is in the pudding. The point of all this ranting is that you guys better get your facts straight before you go on about how good a product is, no matter if it's cpu's or bake beans. I myself own an AMD, not the very latest perhaps, but still powerful enough to do any task i throw it at, without complaining once. Cheers Specs: AMD Athlon Thunderbird 750 @ 1066 (133x8) Asus A7V133 Gigabyte Geforce2 GTS 384mg PC-133 (2-2-2 latency) 40gig Quantum Fireball ATA100/7200rpm 300W PSU Sound Blaster Live! Value PS, I'm gonna give these 27.10 Detties a go tonight and see how they perform!

are we all so worried about the size of our penises that we have to have the same fight over and over amd vs intel. let's all just have a peeing contest and get it over with once and for all.

When did this become an AMD/Intel thread? Keep your narrow sited, totalitarian views to yourself and keep on topic.

Save a little money for more configuration issues, tons of crashing and undocumented problems.? ( well most of AMD users dont have any problems, only when someone is using the very latest, Beta style software is there a problem) Intel has never given me a problem on any hardware system I've installed it on. (same as most AMD users) Intel is faster and much more robust than anything AMD hacks. (well its not, just go to any good hardware site and it will tell you otherwise) By the way, intel doesn't cost anymore than AMD these days. (well iam in uk and intel is the most costly thing around, example: AMD Athlon XP 1800 (CP-011-AM) Price: £117.60 (£138.18 Including VAT at 17.5%) Intel Pentium 4 1.7GHz Retail Boxed Price: £158.00 (£185.65 Including VAT at 17.5%)