Nvidia Detonators 27.00 & 27.10 COMPARED!!

I thought they sucked as well. The 23.12's relieved my infinite loop problem, the 27.10's brought it back. Installing the 23.12's increases your menu delay to 400ms and enables menu animation- even though these two are turned off under TweakUI. This driver is very unstable on my system, I couldn't even complete 1 run of 3dM2001 due to the infinite loop crashes. Anthony www.oc-athlonxp.com

Correction to my last post---I meant "Installing the 27.10's" (not 23.12's) :-)

I am using a irongate (amd 751) mainboard and it give me HELL. BSOD here and there and it restart my computer during the update proccess. Which %$^@ leak this driver????

i got 80 more points on 3dmark2k1 with both new drivers over the 23.12s and mohaa is a fast running ***** now! b4 i had to run it @ 800x600 with grafix settings maxed out ( all except curves) now i can run @ 1152x864 with the same settings and it's perfectly stable!

well i give them a go 2 and i tell u the 27.xx were crap it degraded my mark score by 400:/. i originally had the 23.11 so i got rid of the 27xx tryed the newest 2312 the certified ones and my score increased by about 70 :/. so im sticking to the new 2312 they work best for me.......... sceptre is watching u........... athlon running at 1124mhz. windows xp 512ram hercules gforce 3 2312 drivers . 3dmark score 6100..

well i give them a go 2 and i tell u the 27.xx were crap it degraded my mark score by 400:/. i originally had the 23.11 so i got rid of the 27xx tryed the newest 2312 the certified ones and my score increased by about 70 :/. so im sticking to the new 2312 they work best for me.......... sceptre is watching u........... athlon running at 1124mhz. windows xp 512ram hercules gforce 3 2312 drivers . 3dmark score 6100..

nView Tabs isn't working on my system :(

Which %$^@ installed this driver? You seem somewhat retarded to me... If these drivers were official then you could complain!

27.00 works perfectly here..and it kept the same score as the previous...plus it fixed that darn 8 pylgon count having like 1 FPS..now its like by 5FPS more.

Sorry for my english you must use the detonator destroyer it's in guru3d.com good luck!! gabriel from argentina

I've just tried them, ans was kinda dissapointed about nView. Ok, it looks better than previous twin view, but why no one has coplained about TV-out? There's absolutely no way of getting overscan, and I hate black borders on my TV. Since it worked fine on 98 and ME, why there's not a good mode on XP? I've been waiting long time for detonator to mature on XP, but ir seems nVidia has forgotten about tv-out. Also, there's still a mess between XP's multimonitor and TwinView, both work at the same time, and XP's one lets me diferent resolution on each display and TwinView controls no. I cannot understand. About benchmarks, I've noticed a slow drop on framerates (about 20-30 3Dmarks) but it seems that GPU is much faster than any previous driver (poly rate is higher than ever, 17.8 Mpolys and 5 Mpolys on 3dmark 2001). By the wise, my system is an 1.4 Thunderbird with 300FSB, 256 DDR 2-2-2 and A GeForce2MX at 195-207 core/mem

HAHA !!!!! LOL!!!!! you`re fault for using them.

NView Wizard C:WINDOWSsystem32 wiz.exe

They work awsome for me! plus with opengl 1.3.1 included i now have 61 opengl filters in Return to castle wolfenstein. That's lots! old 23.11 3dmark2001 score = 3341 new 27.10 3dmark2001 score =3382 System specs Athlon xp 1600 Asus A7v266-e with bios 1006e Beta4 256 mb Ram 40 gig ata 133 7200 rpm Asus Geforce 2 Mx 400 64 mb

Do any of you geeks use Intel? AMD sucks!!!!! Save a little money for more configuration issues, tons of crashing and undocumented problems. Why? Intel has never given me a problem on any hardware system I've installed it on. Intel is faster and much more robust than anything AMD hacks. By the way, intel doesn't cost anymore than AMD these days.

well im about to either get a new g4 or get a ati card.........i think the g3s are about done for performance and also........to the originator of this post as far as your scores .......how com you use ecc ram?i have non ecc corsair and i get consistant 8000 on 3dm2k1?

Absolutely agree with you! AMD is sucks and you pay a very big money for this sucks processor! INTEL is much better (and ALWAYS WAS!) faster and chiper these day! Why people are so stupid :( ?? INTEL is RULEZ! :))

I agree, I use intel for reliabilty and video editing. however we can not claim that p4's are faster than athalon xp's. The whole debate over amd vs intel is silly, people just need to decide whether to sacrafice a little bit of speed for better operation, or not. At least i dont have to worry about driver problems with my p4. I'll sacrafice a little gaming speed for compatability any day.


Maybe, the AMD processor is cheaper or better. But what will you do with a system with lot of problems and no stability: BSOD, problems with chipset drivers,specially via drivers, nvidia driver failed and so on. My P4 rocks very well. OK, my PC was not cheap, but it is very very stable with any OS.