nVidia Detonators 26.25 & 26.53 COMPARED!

i found the 27.20 to be the best of the bunch too...even running winMe i am scoring 8540 in 3dmark2001

Are these drivers GF-3 specific or will they work on GF-2 Ultra also ?

am i the only one with this infinite-loop thing ??? pcp

am i the only one with this infinite-loop thing ??? pcp

I wub myself on your sweaty crotch

have you disabled fastwrites and writecombining?

Yep they work also on GF2 Ultra, they work on all GeForce Series.

Yep they are disabled, sometimes they make my system unstable.

NO I Have the Infinte-loop to, I disable the Buffer in the Game In it works.

In games and application all the drivers vary within 1-2%, so it's crazy to update all the time.

actually the Detonators work for any nVidia chipset after the Riva TNT. I wouldnt reccommend these drivers for anything less than a GeForce though, because the newest revisions are optimized for the Geforce 3 (4 now?). 14.12 seems to be fastest for the Geforce 2 MX (mine). Use the old school 5.xx or 6.xx drivers for TNT series.

Well, maybe so, but the 27.xx drivers (and possibly the 26.xx?!) has the new nView features, which contains transparent windows, virtual desktops and some more nice stuff...

The infinite loop thing is memory setting/configuration related. Go to slowest memory settings and try to remove sticks until only one left in the banks. Or buy nforce mobo. They have two controllers, one for each memory bank.