Nvidia Detonator 42.68

But won't do 5h1t for games!

So? These are optimized for that "useless and un-realistic" benchmark that nVidiwho doesn't focus on..... :hmm:

ti4200 from 1132 to 1270 :) looks like in helps the shaders. remember 3dmark03 is all about the shaders. :) made america's army about 6fps faster too

Yup, I went from 1069 to 1155; but got some bigtime black squares/black banding. :rolleyes: It was most noticeable in the scenes where the chick was fighting the trolls, it covered almost 1/3 of the screen. Also, no explosions in the airplane collision in the first test.

30.82 - 1793 3DMarks 42.86 - 1990 3DMarks +197 can't complain

Yep, NVidia say we don't like 3dmark03, it's not fair, but lets frig our drivers so that it gets closer to the ATI even at the expense of graphical problems (see below)

Kinda weird how the new Catalyst drivers also just came out... isn't it...?

Kinda weird how the new Catalyst drivers also just came out... isn't it...?

I've been running 42.86's for weeks now and they release some "old" 42.68's? Leak some new drivers! :)