nVidia Detonator 27.20 Performance Comparison!

Thx for checking out!

on WindowsXP i almost lost 1000 3dmarks! high polygon counts are up but everything else is down :(

Same for me: I lost more than 800. Only gain was high poly... argh..

Use gif instead of jpg and your pics will be clearer.

use PNG...

The performance loss was only about 100 points, and to be honest I didn't see any increase in polygon performance at all. I'm going to O/C the card and see what happens.

The only issue I have with the 27.20's is they kill the mouse pointer and crosshair in Project IGI. And the sky goes funny when you change to the knife. Otherwise they ROCK.

I lost about 1000 points in 3DMark 2000 and about 600 point in 3DMark 2001. In OpenGl and have the same result as 22.50 and much better than 23.10/11. I Have GeForce 2 GTS and 1Ghz P3

I'm not sure how to test the drivers, but on my system: Dell Dimensions 4100 Intel 1ghz 512 meg ram nvidia geforce2 mx400 27.20 works great! With previos 27.xx drivers my cursorxp would be so transparent that on a white background, my cursor would get lost. But now NO PROBLEMS!


I only have the 27.10 but my score improved: with 22.80 i had 4529, with 27.10, the score increased up to 4780. Konfig: Epox 8KHA+, TB 1.2@1.34 (268 MHz FSB), MSI Gef2 Pro 64M/TV @230/450, Win2k+SP2+LargePageMin.reg, VIA 4in1 v4.37.

can u guys help me check if u enable ur desktop manager under the display settings in winxp and when u reboot, does the setting revert back to diasabled...i suspect its a bug.. otherwise hell yeah...it rox!!

Why does the 27.20 rock? Because it is 1% faster than 23.11?

I've got a PIII800, 256MBRam, Hercules Gf2GTS64, AGP2x MB by DFI (damn) and Win98SE 23.12 - 2624 27.20 - 1954 ...makes a decrease pf 670 Points, and sometimes it doesn't run at all! So I'm getting with the old official 23.11 again, until I get my XP at the end of the week :-) CU

I went from about 60 fps int TRIBES2 to 100 fps. And thats all that matters when you are a TRIBES fanatic and bound to a dial up connection. Who cares about Onions, its the games that count. Ive always wondered about people who spend $300 on a CARD and then race to turn off all of the options they just paid for so they can get a high score. lol ME GF3 TI 500 512 ram Duron 750 49.94kbs a second baby!

I do remember reading somewhere that the error margin for 3Dmark is about 100 3dmarks, so unless you're prepared to run all your benchmarks about 5 times and take the mean, all the detonators tested are probably about the same ;-)

Got 50 points more with my Geforce2 MX. 23.12 = 4106 27.20 = 4157 It rocks!

the new 27.20's are nice. its nice to see that nvidia is always improving drivers, fixing bugs, supplying a steady stream of "leaked" drivers. go geforce 4.. cant wait to get 1.

the new 27.20's are nice. its nice to see that nvidia is always improving drivers, fixing bugs, supplying a steady stream of "leaked" drivers. go geforce 4.. cant wait to get 1.

the new 27.20's are nice. its nice to see that nvidia is always improving drivers, fixing bugs, supplying a steady stream of "leaked" drivers. go geforce 4.. cant wait to get 1.