nVidia Detonator 27.20 for W9x/ME Leaked!

Way to go Nvidia!!!! Joe G.

what? are there still people out there using w9x/me? I can't believe it, where are in 2002 now....

dude, WinME just came out a year and a half ago. So damn

This is not a flame but the only reason ME ever got out was because XP wasn't finished yet... ME is considered the worst* OS from MS, by many people all over the world; thank god I never had to use is ;-) * compared with 98, 98SE, 2K, XP (H&P), and 1 had to finish last :-)

Don't know what it is but the last several beta drivers cause some of my games to crash and lock down Windoze.Castle Wolfenstein is one of the latest victims with 27.20.I can go back to offically released drivers and everything works fine.Anybody else having these kind of problems with the last several leaked drivers?

***** fag driver !!!

I'm just saying it would be really screwed up if they stopped supporting ME when it had only been around for a year. I mean ppl did buy it. If they want to stop supporting it, they should send me the WinXP for free, lol. When I get a new comp ( wich won't be to long from now ) I'll be using WinXP. But right now I'm stuck with ME and I want to be hooked up with the newest drivers and stuff just like everyone else.


Got hangups already with 22.xx and higher. Am using ECS K7S5A with SIS735 Chipset, Athlon 1800+, Enermax 365 power supply, 512MB SD-RAM. With either SB Audigy or Terratec Sixpack 5.1+ results in hangups in UT & in Codename:Outbreak. Leadtek GF3Ti-200, not overclocked Version 21.81A was the highest for me to go with ASU GF2-MX, Version 21.83 is the highest for Leadtek. Maybe due to MB?

Yeah, I had the same problem. I actually wanted to warn people about them. I also couldn't play Ghost Recon afterward. In addition, the original release drivers don't correct all the problems with W2K Professional.