NVidia Compressed mode user guide 2.0 for Detonator 40.41

This new hexadecimal method is all fine and good. But I don't see how this helps the 60Hz refresh rate issue. How now do we exclude specific modes from the registry? With this new way, sure you can tell it which modes to show but how the f**k do you exclude modes from selection. This new way doesn't do me much good if it allows these f**kin 60hz rates. As we all know, if the 60hz mode is in the registry, Windows will choose it. Hurry home from school you kids and make this program to fix it.

Well, that took about 2 minutes to figure out. The PDF is misleading. Refresh Rate Code for Standard Refresh Rates: Specify standard refresh rates using a hexadecimal number, where each bit represents a specific refresh rate as defined in Figure 1.2. Refresh Rate Code for Custom Refresh Rates: Specify custom refresh rates (those not included in Figure 1.2) using a four digit hex number in the format 8XXX, where XXX is the hexadecimal representation of the custom refresh rate. Example: 8014 specifies a custom refresh rate of 20 Hz. Well, there we have. At first glance it seems that the custom refresh rate method does not apply to standard modes. But it does. Example: I want 640x480 @ 100hz, 800x600 @ 85hz & 1024x768 @ 75Hz. In this case I would put- S 640x480=8064;800x600=8055;1024x768=804b; Simple huh? Once you read it a couple of times it stands out.