NTL pulls plug on warez and drops some alt.binaries

dispite what you read on the inquirer, ntl pulled a number of binary groups of late mainly because their news servers have been basically f****d over the past few months. they have removed the top dozen or so binary groups which obviously would have contributed to the problems. i dont really agree with it myself, preffering that they should sort out their infrastructure rather than cut back/censor their service :(

Who uses their isps news server anyway. I most certainly dont. NTL has very crap retention (around 3 -6 days) on most news groups so this *should* hopefully improve this

Can anyone point me to a definitive list of newsgroups that ntl carry? I've tried emailing their 'support' but got no help. I'm about to swap from bt adsl to ntls 1mb service...have I made a mistake?! W.