No More DirectX Graphics?

You guys love to stirr the comments pot around here, don't you? It's just getting a name change, the API's will still be around. The way you guys wrote the news feed sounds like 'OMG D00D NO WAY WHAT TEH DX IS CANCELLED!!?!'

MS already said the next version is DirectX Next. It's just a name change. It's a completely misleading headline. You could almost say it's a lie....

opengl is faster, but better looking? I dunno.. You are comparing opengl to direct3d arent you?

Agreed. OpenGL has always been a better option. I dont really know why so many developers jumped on that Microsoft train. That just simply destroys the possibility that sometime Linux may be an alternative for gaming. I wouldnt expect anything else than fanATIcs defending DirectX. :P

not really, openGL has been patched up over and over again with extensions from the hardware manufactureres to give access to card features that openGL doesn't support. openGL 2 will change this a lot i'd guess however. ( i am still more of an ogl fan, it just seems to feel better somehow, and dominates the pro market totally anyway)

crap this went in the wrong place, it was meant as a reply to ewb above... the developers go for d3d because it's easier to code for.

yep and easier = faster and cheaper, which is what really matters when you develop games.

On the other hand they would make more money and save work when they would use an API that is supported by other OSs aswell.

And I guess that is why id still uses OGL. They know many will buy their engine and if I am not mistaken they did Linux versions of all their newer games.