New VIA AGP Driver!

no joke this driver improved my framerates by 10 points the 405c agp driver didnt download this agp driver u wont regret it.

Yes, i also noticed some improvment. But inoticed also several random freezes in diablo2. Only reset button was helpful ;( After trying to de-install this driver my XP did notboot correctly!!! Only rrestoring old WinXP drivers did help. Such kind of freezes i also had with Windows2000 and VIA drivers installed. Maybe there is still some bug with the chipset. Happy testing.

this AGP bring -1% ....... on WInXP compare to standard and the IDE brings -10% on HDD perf. AND ULTRA LOW HIBERNATION ***** VIA

well im running windows me and yes i agree any driver for xp will be buggy xp is to new hasnt been proven yet thats 1 reason why i havnt bought it.but for anybody using windows 98 or me should download this driver.

windows xp sucks dont buy anything thats the first edition xp is to new and to buggy stick with 98 or 2000.