New Omega Drivers for Win9x/ME v2.4.72

I really liked Omegadrives last time around. They benched within 20 onions of the official 40.72 set when I installed his "performance" set but the image quality on his set was just spectacular! I wasn't a fan of Omegadrive's earlier, super-high LOD nVidia set...but his recent efforts have really been top-notch for gaming! Jeeze, when was it like two days ago he released the 1.4.72 set? I liked those! Now our server is gonna go and be melted again for a while. :rolleyes: If'n anyone wants to host some mirrors please post them here since DH will probably be hard to get to for a while....again. (HINT: Our Administraterous Maximous likes to turn on throttling when loads get heavey. Only use ONE connection to DH or it'll cut you off, I only learned that one two days ago. Oh, and don't pound the refresh button. It'll move slow with one, but it'll move. :) )