New Official Detonators 23.11 Out!

Anyone else with winXp getting constant reboots with these drivers? I had to go back to previous ones cause computer locked up and reset.

Update from above post: Under Event properties in Safe mode, it says this: The Driver nv4_disp for the display device DeviceVideo0 got stuck in an infinite loop. This usually indicates a problem with the device itself or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly. Please check with your hardware device vendor for an device updates. So looks like they made a goof..

If I set Twinview to 'clone' (I have tv out) then my monitor resolution won't go higher than 800x600. Anyone else having this problem with Det. 23.11/23.10?

Had no problems with Dets 23.10 on XP. Switching to 23.11 no graphics board was found after reboot. Had to go back to the older ones.

I'm having problems with screen adjustment controls.When i change resolution it falls back to defaults. Looks like 23.10/23.11 drivers fail to save new settings.

Same here. Solved this by re-installing AGP-Driver before upgrading. I have a K7S5A-Mobo with SiS-Chipset. Hope this helps.

The Dets 23.11 may be fast, but they don't solve the problem of random lock-ups which occurred on some XP-nVidia-based systems! :(

are you using the new agp 4.10 driver? I used to get those infinite loop problems constantly but the new agp driver solved this.

I have a Elitegroup K7S5A with an SiS-chip. So no VIA(?)-drivers will help me. Anyway: Thanks for your reply.

i jsut had my system randomily reboot.....and i was only surfing a website..running winxp...just installed the 23.11's last night, so may be a prob with them

no, the new AGP 4.10 driver does not solve this problem.... I've tried several times already. My way to solve this lock-up and reboot problem is to disable the AGP Fast Write function in BIOS. It works for me.

yea, i had that happen too, random reboots in XP ... go into safe mode and change it back to the old drivers as SOON AS YOU CAN ... i did that ... but i'm still having some issues due to all those reboots i guess some files got messed up ... so do it quickly

agreed, they did goof. Ive been getting that ever since i installed these things. The gains are great but its not worth it to have to reboot so often. Bad Nvidia!