New Nvidia Omega Drivers 1.0.80 9x/ME/2K/XP!

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I don't call it giving people an alternative. We can do that ourselves with tweakers, which is probably what this guy used by the way. I call it satisfying his own Ego. It's pure self-gratification. It's like painting a green car brown and saying, "Hey everybody, look at the new car I've developed" This guy did not do this for us. If that was the case, he could simply post his modifications for people to try, instead of re-naming the drivers and trying to pass them off as his own.
For someone who goes on and on about how amazing it is that his drivers beat official ones, it certainly seems weird that he himself can't stand for someone to review his drivers and question things like the obvious/bad pixel shimmering bugs that these drivers seem to cause. If you're going to put claims on your site about your drivers being better than others, get ready for other people to test them and make thier own comments, it's what makes the internet as useful as it is.