New Leaked Longhorn Build 4008? - Screenshot Update v2

Time to check if Winbetas knows anything about this. ;)

Hehe, quite funny you can see the copyright date in the 'about windows' box. 2006? Woa, sure hope that isn't the target release date.

Here's what WinBeta had to say... Two releases have appeared recently on newsgroups and the such, purporting to be Microsoft Longhorn 4008 and Microsoft XP Service Pack 2. So what? Well, both of these products are vapourware. Yes, feel free to contact Paramount and get them added to an upcoming episode of Star Trek Enterprise, because like worm holes, warp drive, and ferengi intelligence...they simply do not exist! Like Bones so often exclaimed in the original series of Star Trek, "It's life Jim, but not as we know it!" It's life, yes, but not like we know it, because it's a weak attempt to create a stir, by tinkering with old releases to make them appear to be new ones...and, like red tide, these rumours are feeding upon themselves... Why would we care? We don't, really...except that we care about keep you up to date with what's hot, and what's not...and these are not...

4008 installed just fine for me :D

The source as i see it is GaryZelda, which also was aprox the source of all Windows Whistler releases. Its looks real, betachannels are beginning to serve it now.

Yes it is real. Because Winbeta spoke doesnt mean they are correct saying it was fake. They arent always the first to come out with the good stuff, usually but not always :D