New Forceware 53.03 WHQL + 53.04

yups, u can't use the 50.xx drives with games like that. i have both RTCW and SOF2 and they're both Punkbuster type of games and both lock up when u join a multiplayer server, and yes it has sumthin to do with FOG and the 50.xx drivers which NVIDIA really needs to work on. but other then that, all my other games work with an increase fps of 20-30 ;) so yea if there is a workaround this prob let us know :D

it has nothing to do with fog. perhaps even nothing to do with the nvidia drivers as such. with punkbuster off you dont get any lockups (butt you can cound punkbuster disabled servers on one hand, and i'd rather play with PB anyway) with punkbuster enabled, setting the exe of your game to win98 compatability mode lets you play for a while too, sometimes even hours, but it will still lockup your PC randomly.

so it only locks up on people that are punks eh? BUSTED lol :P

I love it when nVidiots have no come back so they go for the old "get out more" line! :lol:

lol nothing like another nVidia farce :D

And I love it when the same old ATI flamer trolls turn up at every nVidia event and try to tell us something new, but just repeat the same old cheater lines, like we didn't get that after the first 100 times. There not perfect but let us make up our own minds, eh? Your like a bunch of whining vegetarian protesters outside a butchers shop!

On a slightly more practical note, does anyone else get flickering or disappearing textures on these with an nforce 3 chipset? These drivers claim to improve performance on these chipsets so I'm begining to wonder if the fubared it.

Nice one. Couldn't agree more.

C'mon chaps, does anyone know well this driver performs? We know all the other stuff :)

Every time a new nVidia driver comes out the A**holes come out. I'm neither pro ATI or nVidia but tell you what, I've experienced more buggy ATI drivers than nVidia. I don't give a sh*t about whether a driver is optimised for this or that benchmark, I want a stable fast driver for gaming in the real world.

fast? look elsewhere then stable? it seems like nvidia have had problems in that department too as of late.

Oh man, they just never change their tune! "We're tired of the same ATi a&&holes coming out and bad mouthing nVidia's new drivers before they even have a chance to see if they've changed their ways!" :mad: :stomplittlefoot: :lol:! These are the same as the 53.03 beta set that's been out for a while and has already been proven to just bypass the 3.45 3dm2k3 patch to prevent cheating. Sorry if y'all are tired of hearing me call nVidia a bunch of lying, cheating, whoring mongrels with the ethics of an alley cat in heat; but they just don't change their ways and keep pushing the envelope harder! :lol: A week from today will be interesting, that's how long they have to fix/change/explain their cheataround "fix" for 3dm2k3 before Futuremark takes actions....I'm kind of curious to see what FM will do. (I already know nVidia has no intention of changing their ways. :) )

Man, remember when they used to actually make points rather than just call people names? Ah, I guess it's just the effects of the brain-drain. :)

>>How do you breathe when you have so much shit crammed up it from ATi?

Theres no longer any point in reading the posts here Good luck working it out you chaps. I suggest therapy.

Poor poor DW. He makes comments about those against him as not changing their tune... that song he's singing sounds familiar as well, does it not? Ever notice how he is the first or second to post to such news? I can just see him humped over in his chair, wide eyed, waiting for the delivery of such an opportunity to let the diarrhea flow from his open mouth... Funny thing is, there is nothing he can say to prove those against him are wrong.

have you looked at nvidias "to be fixed" list recently? i guess not.

I can't say much about game fixes or performance, but if benchmarking is your thing... ;) Actually that's not true, this set is also supposed to have some game fixes in it and has been reported as better than the 52.16 set. If you liked the 52.16 set I'd suggest you give these a try, they're pretty much the same as the 52.16 set but with some fixes. (And cheats re-enabled, but I think I've mentioned that. ;) )

at least it seems like ps2.0 is improved, but it still doesnt excuse application specific optimisations like in the 3dmark case

Yeah, nVidia really has improved their drivers performance...I really don't think they're doing themselves any favors by continuing to cheat rather than let their cards stand on their own merit. :(