Napster Leaked!


Great , but it can be used only by providing a US credit card number , so in the rest of the world there's no way to get a username and getting connected . They say it works only in US but they are working hard to provide this service to the rest . But with a US number card (read my lips ;-) , you can try it nothing will be charged .

What do you mean "READ MY LIPS ;-)"?

BLAH!!,Napster,Schnapster who cares anymore Nap is OLD school and has lost alot of users to DC,etc. And PAY for music jeesh,id rather support my fav Bands buy seeing them live,or Buying a Starving bands music for support,even though very little gets to the band,the Record company pricks need a shaking.why dont we terrorize the record companies,steal they're billions and distribute it to the musicians who never get what they deserve :)