MSI To Launch Nvidia Nbox Bundles

All kidding aside that's actually pretty sweet.

the FX 5900 is a joke, nvidia are a joke, they need to bundle a Radeon 9800 Pro in order to make that package a success.... on the other end, people are known for being stupid - they deserve to buy crap... MSI!! go ATI

Are you stupid enough to think you would be forced to use it?! Idiot.

Thing is, that card beats the 9800 Pro in some tests, acknowledged by pros. Even those that know about the optimisations will admit that.

wow finally someone adds some good games to the package... was starting to get tired of all the bargin bin pre 2000 games hehe...

Yeah I know what you mean. To be fair, a 5900 should never be compared to a 9700. I myself owned 3dfx products up to the Voodoo 3000, then got GF1,GF2, GF3, and after much waiting, finally picked up a 9700 because I got it brand new ATI brand for $259 unopened retail box. I couldn't ignore all the signs and the deal for the performance this little thing puts out, plus at the time the whole optimisation thing was going on, so I jumped ship. I still pride myself as an Nvidiot though.