Microsoft: Legit Windows or no updates

What?? Get a new keygen because Micro$oft still has too many bugs!?!? Come on Bill, you know this move will only pis* some newbies off ;)

Its a pity they wont crack down on thier prices. Windows XP costs too much for too little. You get no office based application with it, you have to go out and buy MS Office which is practically the same price as the OS. It's time games companies etc started to look into porting over to linux/mac to give people the choice of with Os to use. This crack down will only affect legit users as pirates will just not bother with updates, or get them from an external source.

until microsoft can bring about sensible prices (i mean i can build a damn pc with the cost of xp) people will always resist the purchase and get hacked copies, if it was cheap enough people wouldnt bother with all the faffing about. But then again would bill be able to maintain his frankly sickening fortune.

There's several certainties in this world which vary little, if at all. 1. Death 2. Taxes 3. Microsoft Windows prices 4. Microsoft Office prices 5. Apple iPod prices

Meh.. doesn't bother me any, I'm about 75% migrated to linux as it is, I'll be 100% migrated by the time M$ gets around to tightening their grip. btw has anyone noticed the tremendous price cuts for M$ software since they incorporated windows activation? Neither have I lmao...

10 years? not hardly.