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I have a hard time believing it isnt a mad photoshopper's work, or a very bad photoshoppers work. I can see the color box around it and everything. Someone from london: please take a higher quality photo and prove me wrong. -Warped1

I agree... it looks like a Photoshop job. You can see the "cleanup" job where the "S" is... it's a lighter shade than the background. "Cli" easily fits where the "Su" is.

have you considered that the person who printed out the 'S' and 'u' might not have been able to get the exact background colour?

Cool idea - bad photoshopping :o) Damn, at least this bastard should have aligned the letters and removed the different shades of blue... iD

I saw the same pics at and and both of them are London based websites. So, I'm pretty sure the pics are genuine. Regards, Dennis Mendonca