Longhorn to be 64Bit only, no 32Bit

I think Microsoft is seriously confused or the source of this information is woefully unreliable.

lol thats BS .... OK there is much time till 2006 but I am sure MS will o not start devolloping a 32bit OS and then completely switch over ... maybe they will have 2 editions but a 64bit only is BS

it semi makes sence, as longhorn is 2 years at best away, it would be cheaper for them to do only 1, as there would only be one base to code patches for.

so you'll actually go out and buy a version of windows thats not oem? or are you just mad because pirated copies wont work?

yeah it is bullshit.. Microsoft would not create an operating system that can only run on certain computers, hell look at XP, runs on old ass computers as well. They would be losing profit, and this would be the first time they would turn down extra profit :P rich bastards

If Longhorn is going to be more demanding than, for example, Unreal Tournament 2004 (which runs perfect^2 with todays 32-bit hardware) I don't think they can even call Longhorn an operating system anymore. A more proper name would probably be "CPU-burning memoryhog with OS functionality and SM4.0 support"...

This comment makes no sense, he's referencing the fact that it will not work with anything but 64 bit hardware.

64 bit doesn't equate fast computer. It can even be argued that they take a performance hit in some areas.