Isonews.Com Is Now The Property Of The United States Government.

Did you read that ? $500,000 for each count charged !!!! That´s sick, that´s really sick and in my opinion far away from any reasonably reality !

yea but thats corporate america and extensive lobbying to you. Too bad the media industry has so much power.

It s not a hack. I heard the rumour so i check tonz of sources including the forums and the Cybercrime website and many more. That s it is a hackl is only a rumour and not more. If you would ping the you would notice that the last server is a server from the gouverment. Other websites like PC-Welt (german magazine) confirm this.

It s strange that s for shure. But the guy will go in prision caused selling of the modded chips and not caused of the website. He used the website to sell the chips and that was very silly and stupid. He had to know that this can happened cause he live in US and us is very strange with this things. But the amopunt of 500 000 USD is sick, that s real sick. In my opinion that has nothing to do with reality or justice.

I hardly count selling mod-chips so people can mod the consoles *THEY OWN* a crime though.

i agree. it's like selling cd:s. they can be used to store harmless data on or you can make illegal copies of software on them. modchip is a cheap way of making it possible to develop software on the xbox, but they can also be used to play pirated games. :)