Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility 3.40.1001!

anytime i try to install any of these new chipset software updates on 2000 or xp i get an annoying message that says "the operating system you current use already supports your chipset, setup cannot continue" or something of that nature, i'm pretty sure these files are newer(better) than microsofts creation for the os, how can i manually install these files? anyone have any idea on this?

Yea im having the same problem as the other user posrted, i installed the other intel chipset on xp no problem, now it says my operating system doesnt need it? then why does intel put this out saying it works on XP?

And I didn't get any message like that. Although none of the driver dates changed either....I wonder if this is legit? Nothing positive or negative to report.. =(

All of you who keep thinking these are actual drivers are complete MORONS! These INF updates merely let your flavor of Windows properly identify your hardware in instances where the OS is older than your chipset. If you've installed an older version, there is no need to install the newer one! In fact, as you've noticed, it won't install again. Newer versions of this utility simply add more recent chipsets and steppings to it. GET A GRIP ALREADY!!!

The Damn Release Notes Say Their For My Chipset And For XP!!! And They DOn't Install same stupid messege

plz you guys, installing a newer version of the chipset INF WILL NOT give you any performance gain!!! It is an execption of the "newer is better" concept most of you believe in. M$ is crap but the programmers know what they are doing!

To force it to update the chipset INF do setup -A -A that should do it

i didnt see the new version at, only see at here, why? is it a beta ver?