Illegal XP Owners Beware - Microsoft Has Planned A Surprise

This should last about 1 day before a keygen is made. LOL! Oh well, Linux, Linux, Linux. MS can keep their crappy OS to themselves if they don't want any of us using it unless we pay ~$200. Like Bill really needs more money.. Greedy SOB's.

LoL.. Thats all m$ has left.. empty scare tactics. Someone somewhere is probably already working on a patch/crack/keygen for this new algorithm via said slipstream. Sure they may end up having to recode it for sp1 final, but how hard could that be if the bulk of the work is done now.. lol They cracked it before, they will crack it again. If its windows based software or the os itself... Its always possible.

Does a company that earns billions a year and keeps earning more and more each year really need to spend so much time to stop some pirates? At this point I'd think M$ wouldn't care whether you paid for your copy as long as you're not using a different OS.

lol, first off, its not that they expect to make money, its how they go about doing it. Their tactics was always to kill the little guy off, absorb the product, and claim they created it, or inovated it... when they really havnt. And the Beat up ms thing, didnt go out two years ago. in fact, thats when it started really heating up, and for good reason. I was around in the dos days.. and I did appreciate a good GUI, thats why I was using OS/2 Warp. Which was miles ahead of the game, in the DOS days, and to some extent, better than what we have today imo.

Piracy is only going to keep growing and growing as Micro$oft raises their prices. When Windows 2010 is going for over $1000 you'll see huge piracy rates. Anyway, anything M$ does to prevent piracy is fleeting since it will be cracked. So unless they have weekly updates to the WMA algorithm what they're doing is pointless.