How to Boost your Doom3 Performance by 40% on ATI Hardware

There are a few things about this report that one should be aware of. 1) the 40% boost (not in overall performance, just frame rate) is wildly optimistic. Some people have been getting a loss in Quality AND a lower frame rate . Most people get a Frames Per Second boost of some form, but nowhere near 40% 2) This patch replaces a more complex algorithm with a simpler equation. This equation doesnt properly replace the algorithm at all as the Quality of the Picture on screen is reduced, sometimes in an awful manner. 3) If you run this patch, there will be graphical issues at times. These issues are not yet determinable, its only through trial and error that the graphics issues are being reported. Having said that, there are parts of the game where performance is increased and there appears to be no loss of quality. Its up to you if you want the Doom3 experience to be how John Carmack visualised. If your frame rate is so low, this may be necessary for you. If you want FPS bragging rights, then maybe this is for you too. I'm lucky my hardware is ok to run Doom3. If yours isnt quite there (and you have ATI gfx), try it, but remember the above. ps Wot a game!

FaaR always comments first and then reads the article (or not). :)

I agree. Also, why not simply shoot 3 or more bullets at once instead of one? It would make the game much less annoying because you wouldnt have to shoot so many times to kill a monster! Or why does the character run so slow? why not let him move with the speed of an sportscar? that would be much less annoying if you sometimes have to backtrack! Why bother play this game anyway, its soooo annoying all these complicated buttons and functions you have! And WHY THE ***** are the levels that dark?????

I think its quite an addition to let people know that you dont read articles/threads thouroughly before you let out your steam here.