Hotmail Uses Scare Tactics To Get You To PAY!

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I'm sorry but this is so obviously a hoax. Why is it that some people will do anything to make a dig at MS. I understand that they're the great software giant that makes all the descisions for the industry etc but tell me this exactly what OS are all you people who complain about 'em using??? cos I can garantee that a majority of you moaners ain't using MAC's or linux!
Check out it's Novell's email beta test server but it's open to the public for free accounts, with 10meg of space and no advertising, it includes webmail, POP and IMAP access. A warning though, it is a beta-test server for them to check out thier latest servers, so there's usually a couple of hours downtime once a week or so for updates and Novell will ban your account for life and if possible fine you for any mass-spam sent from your account.