Here's Your Chance To Reply To FutureMark & Nvidia Statement

I can't begin to comment, I've been boggled about it since cursing out Kyle last night on Rage3D. It's just such an obvious, over-the-top legal strongarming/bribe/whatever that nVidia put the whammy on Futuremark with to put out that BS retraction that they're trying to say isn't this morning. :( This is a terrible day for graphic enthusiasts everywhere, even the morons who are defending nVidia still. It's just SO unbelievably fricking maddening!!!! Futuremark just commited suicide but they don't quite know it yet, and nVidia REALLY didn't do themselves any favors either. The nVidia enthusiasts are just as pissed off/outraged as the ATi crowd is. (Ok, maybe not QUITE as pissed....but they ain't happy about it either. It ain't even a pyhric victory for 'em either since no one likes winning by cheating...except for nVidia. :mad: ) This sucks, this well and truly sucks. :(

Have you been living under a rock or do you really want future game optimizations to be based on making the quality of the graphics worse? In that case, you can just "optimize" your gfx card on your own, setting all the details as low as possible and so on. That's the worse piece of crap I've ever heard. I'd rather stay with ATi if that means Doom 3 instead of Doom 2 gfx quality.

your ignorance make me sick...

in games you WILL se the clip planes cause they doesnt follow a specific path, the cheats is ONLY benchmarking, so they can sell more cards to OEM partners. the fact that image wuality gets severely degraded, doesnt seem to bother you. thats your problem, dont take it out on others. hell why dont you just replace the whole friggin test with a single static prerendered frame... then scores will be up and all will be happy... the speed increase wasnt in games.. only 3dmark03, wherein lies the problem. i have "stupid anti nVidia problems" too.. or is that a recentment against them doing things the way the 1930's mafia would have...

you read and UNDERSTOOD what nVidia did? i think not.. then your'd propably not be so unbiased. artificially reducing IQ in favor of speed is a big no no!

except nVidias DO change the way the gfx look, ATi's dont.

or use the pm function of this site? :)

"Since you don't seem to have it noticed: It's all about optimizations which don't change the way graphics look! Optimizations is wonderful thing when done correctly." lol you just invalidated your own previous post... great work, that saved me the trouble.

the reason they could do clip planes is that 3dmark has a fixed path.. games has not - hence they cant do clip planes there without ***** up the graphics. no they found it cause they used the developer beta version and actually TURNED the camera. since the cam turns randomly in games, clup planes would be a rather stupid thing to add driver wise. serious investigations? anyone who have axx to the dev version could find it, they wouldnt need to do 'serious investigations' neither would they need source code (what ever code you mean by that.)

heh no problem :)

lol if you read up on what the clip plane problem excactly was about, you could propably argument better about it... or you wouldnt... because you obviously didnt get it quite right. i know its not visible from the regular 3dmark edition, but using techniques that wouldnt even work in games doesnt cut it... and complete replasing shaders! wtf is that, the only way a benchmark is valid is if the output is rendered excactly as the developer planned. "The drivers produce a similar looking rendering, but not an identical one. "... ATi's was optimesed 1.9%, but still identical. and you dont see them goint and rewriting shader programs for things that wont mean the difference between huge bucks or none in the OEM business... if they have to degrade FP presition to get a acceptable result in a benchmark, then perhaps they should have made a better fp engine in the first place eh?

*It's only cheating if you get caught* *And if your big enough you can make the other guys see it your way* *Might makes right*