Help Fix the Refresh Rate Limitations in Windows XP!

TO set refresh rate in q3 just put this line in your config seta r_displayrefresh "120" where 120 is the refresh rate u require(or refresh rate your monitor can handle at the res u play in) Wij*KR

Ya, but that's still a "static" value. If you change resolutions, you're screwed :(.

I use a utility called Rivatuner (of course it's for Nvidia based cards so tough luck with other cards...). With this util theres an option that you just have to click once and it force windows to use the best refresh rate with all resolutions assuming your monitor INF file is instaled correctly. It works wonder for DirectX/OpenGL etc...

Still, it would be nice if we didn't have to use any utilities in Win XP SP1 :).

That is mentioned on the site... basically you should go as high as your monitor and video card can support.

I don't understand how people get problems with refresh rates in winxp, i only had that problem with win2k. But there is NO problem with WinXP and refresh rates on my computer. Maybe its just certain vid cards that have problem, i have a Gf3 ti500 and frame rates are as high as the get with default settings with 22.50 drivers.

Download nvidia refresh rate fix at this adresse It fixes 60Hz rate in games for Win2k an WinXP Vous pouvez Telecharger un correctif pour le bug que provoque les carte nvidia sous windows 2000 et Xp dans les jeux comme quake ( la fréquence passait en 60 hz) à cette adresse.

you can tell this guy didn't even read the web page :(

For example; If your desktop is at 1024x768 and your refresh rate is 85hz. Now if you play some Quake3 at 640x480, your refresh rate is at 60hz. If you have a moniter with digital controls, press the button and look and see what the refresh rate is in game.

By default, Windows 98/ME always plays games at the highest refresh rate your monitor and video card can handle, and this offers the least flicker and the least eyestrain possible. My computer when using Windows 9x has never switched itself to past 85Hz refreshrate, at 640x480, the maximum my monitor and video card can handle is 120 Hz. In every resolution, all DirectX games in Windows XP run at only 75 Hz, and all OpenGL games in Windows XP run at only 60 Hz. Of course our buddy has never tried Windows 2000. Nevermind that, of course. In Windows 98/ME, Windows is automatically set at an "Optimal" refresh rate setting in "Display Properties," and Windows always uses the highest refresh rate possible at EVERY resolution on the 2D desktop. No it doesn't. Again, see my above example. With an "Optimal" setting, users don't need to worry about refresh rates at all. Maybe he just got his definition of optimal wrong, because I've seen machines running at less than 85 set to 'optimal'. Also, no matter what people may tell you, this is NOT a driver issue. These refresh rate problems happen with EVERY video card on the market, with all available drivers. It happens on NVIDIA, ATI, S3, Matrox, 3dfx, and all other video cards. Even with drivers designed for Windows XP, you will still experience these problems. He ignores one important factor - Monitor INF. My PanaSync E70i is on plug and pray right now, and Windows XP thinks it can do 1600x1200, plus 100 Hz at 1024x768. Needless to say, if it were to automatically put me to that, I'd be greeted on boot with a fuzzy screen plus the need to get into safe mode to turn this 'feature' off. With a properly configured INF, which, unfortunately, is a rare thing these days. Manufactuers rarely update INF profiles for monitors, and the one size fits all from my drivers disk gave me 85Hz as max in 1024x768 in Windows 98, but when installed on Windows 2000 it gave me 75Hz as max. I think when I first booted up XP, it actually went to 800x600 @ 75Hz. And last but not least, the attempt to illustrate this as a 'real' problem by down playing the available fixes out there. Of course everyones heard of PowerStrip, but perhaps the author has never even heard of MultiRes. That's right, check again, there's a link to their utility, which acts in place of QuickRes from Windows 95 power toys and now available with dynamic refreshrate setting option plus refresh lockin option. Of course, this would require one to 'configure'... The issue is a whole lot more complicated than illustrated, but a solution would be for Microsoft to release an utility that will test out every resolution at every refreshrate immediately available. The interactive test would determine which is workable and which is not, and avoid the problem of a game switching you to garble land.

No problems at all with winXP and refresh rate, perhaps you guys use crap monitors. don't ever install monitor INF files, they mess up refresh rates, stick to default monitor.

Actually, everyone knows about windows 2000, but since windows 2000 wasn't supposed to be for games, it wasn't as big of an issue... Now, I've tried many monitor drivers windows xp automatically detects and i get the same problem. Are you saying that if i changed it to the default monitor, i wouldn't have this issue? (the monitor drivers would go up to 120 Hz in windows if you change it, just not in games).